The timelines associated with a subdivision application are provincially legislated. The Municipal Government Act (MGA) and Subdivision and Development Regulations (link) legislate the following:
Once an application is submitted: 20 days for the subdivision authority to determine whether the application is complete. Please note, as indicated above, if an applicant takes all reasonable steps to ensure an application is complete as per the application requirements, the Town will endeavour to minimize the amount of time it takes to complete this step of the process.
Circulation of application (before decision): 19 days if mailed directly to surrounding property owners and relevant agencies (utility companies, telecommunications companies, irrigation districts, school divisions, provincial ministerial representatives, and so on)
Decision on the application: The Town's subdivision authority has 60 days to make a decision on a completed application. If more time is required the applicant may agree to a time extension that allows for more than 60 days. Subdivision applications are decided on by the Town's Municipal Planning Commission (MPC). This is the same body that makes decisions on certain Development Permit applications. The MPC meets on the second Wednesday of each month and may, if requested (and accompanied by a special meeting fee) meet sooner should an application desire more expedient timelines.
Once a decision is made: Unlike development permit applications that are decided on by the MPC, subdivision decisions cannot be appealed by surrounding landowners. Government departments, school boards, or the applicant, are the only parties that can appeal a subdivision decision. An appeal of a subdivision decision must be made within 21 days of the decision by the MPC and must be accompanied by the required appeal fee. If an appeal is filed against a decision the appeal hearing must be held within 30 days of receiving the appeal.
Finalizing an approved subdivision: the finalization process typically requires that the applicant obtain the services of an Alberta Land Surveyor (ALS) and completes any other conditions of approval, such as entering into a development agreement with the municipality, completing the necessary paperwork to grant any easements or rights-of-way to utilities or other agencies with an interest in the land to be subdivided, and paying final endorsement fees. The timelines associated with finalizing an approved subdivision are almost entirely dependent on the applicant and their contracted services providers.