3D Rendering of the newly expanded and renovated Coaldale Firehall.
At the Tuesday, September 4, 2018 regular council meeting for the Town of Coaldale, Council unanimously approved the Firehall Expansion and Renovation Project to go out to tender for construction.
The project will address the limitations of the existing building by creating capacity and improvements including ventilation and filtration of hydrocarbons in the garage area, sufficient infrastructure for industrial washing, additional administrative space for staff, oversized garage doors to accommodate new apparatus and vehicles and enhanced training areas for the emergency services department.
The estimated project budget is $3.3 Million with funding from the firehall building reserve, MSI Capital funding and a municipal debenture.
At Tuesday’s meeting Council also gave first reading to Borrowing Bylaw 743-B-09-18 which lays out the financing details of the project.
The project has been months in the planning and now construction is anticipated to begin in mid-October with Phase 1 completion set for May 2019.